I'd like to give a hearty welcome to my newest sponsor, Boulevard Rouge! Another UK based company, Boulevard Rouge offers a classy range of separates and dresses in that retro-reproduction style that we are all after. I love the Little Lou shorts, that come in solids and stripes, as well as the classically styled Lenora Dress which might have been worn by Judy Holiday, herself! All the current items in shop are 100% Cotton which makes them perfect for summertime wear, as well.
Launched very recently, on the 30th of June, the company is brand new to the scene but promises to be one we will all love to visit. Not only is the pricing reasonable, but they offer sizes up to 24 (and made-to-order garments are also available)!
So click that link to the right and have yourself a ball, browsing the light-hearted streets of 'Boulevard Rouge'. Or visit them at their facebook page. After all, as they say, 'Everyone Looks Good in Rouge'. :)
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