There is alot to be said for gorgeous undies. They 'lift' more on a woman than the obvious...they lift her spirits too, and make her feel 'put together'. When you are wearing beautiful 'foundation garments', your clothes fit better and you are likely to have better posture. Vintage clothing especially, needs to have the proper undergarments worn beneath them to achieve that traditional 'hour glass' figure that women so desired. If you did not have womanly curves, these items served to give you those curves and if you had a little too much 'extra', they also helped in that department.
While vintage clothing can be a wonderful investment, the same cannot be said of vintage undergarments...heh heh. Therefore, companies like the following ones, are lifesavers for 'dame-fashion'-addicts.
1. My Bay Jo (mybabyjo.com)-

My Baby Jo is one stop shopping for retro inspired clothing. They also have a great selection of undergarments, accessories, and hats. The pictured waist-cincher is a glorious investment and makes all fourties/fifties style dresses look their best. Plus, it's very reasonably priced. In the 'skivvies' deparment, they also carry traditional stockings, bullet bras, and corselettes in a variety of colors.
2. What Katie Did (www.whatkatiedid.com)-

This UK based vintage inspired lingerie company has some of the best quality items of this type anywhere. The stockings fit wonderfully and the shapewear is not only extremely high quality but comes in a great variety of styles. They carry saucy little bra/knicker sets like the one above and also some of the most gorgeously detailed corsets you can find.
3. Isabella Corsetry (www.corsetmaker.com)-

I first discovered this company at Viva Las Vegas in 2008. They had some of the prettiest oriental underbust corsets I'd ever seen and the styling options they presented, such as wearing it over a favorite dress, were new to me. I love the idea of wearing these beauties out and about town, but in a modest fashion that still has a measure of class. Though a good quality corset will set you back a few bucks, it is a worthy investment indeed.

4. Faire Frou Frou (www.fairefroufrou.com)-A new discovery courtesy of Amy B of Askmemakeup (on youtube). This site is full of decadent and indulgent bra and panty sets as well as nightgowns, bustiers, and hosiery. Some of the designs are quite pricey but truly beautiful and unique.
There are many other companies along these lines out there but these are the ones I am currently most excited about. Needless to say, I won't be shopping Frederick's again. ;-)
LOve your hair tutorial's now loving your information...is there nothing you can not do?
Thank you for introducing me to MyBabyJo. I just bought a couple of things from there and noted you as the referral.
Hope you are doing well, beautiful.
Gingeyginge, I suck at sports. :)
Love these!
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