1. Esther Williams' Swimwear in Bathing Beauty. I had difficulty finding photos but the swimwear fashion show in the early part of this film, is just beautiful. All of it. There are retro-reproduction swimwear companies out right now (one even named after Esther herself) but none that hold a candle to the Irene Sharrif suits conceived in this film. The movie is forgettable, but the swimwear fashion show is a must see.

2. Grace Kelly's wedding dress in High Society. It's a gorgeously constructed piece. The design is by Helen Rose and is a lovely filmy number complete w/ billowy sheer sleeves and pale yellow embroidery in the flowers. The dress was worn w/ a 'crownless' hat which had a wide floppy brim and paired pefectly w/ the frock.

3. The boatnecked dress worn by Eva Marie Saint in North by Northwest has always been a favorite of mine. Boatnecks are universally flattering for most women and they present the height of modesty and class. This dress was constructed from a brocade floral and featured three quarter length sleeves and a full skirt.

4. I don't much care for the movie but there is no doubt that Natalie Wood looked phenomenal in this classy wiggle gown at the end of the film, 'Gypsy'. The embroidery and applique is gorgeous. The flawless figure also helps.
More gorgeous selections. Yowza!
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